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know that as a Christian, my greatest struggle in my spiritual walk
towards reaching the goals that God has planned for my life is simply,
isolation and loneliness. The attached article about "Overcoming Loneliness" has outlined my circumstance of what
often leads me back into "Egypt" where I am bound or held in sinful
captivity or worse, looking backwards towards the place or circumstances
in my life that God has delivered me from, such as Lot's wife fleeing
Sodom and Gomorrah and being frozen in time and in place being prevented
from advancing to the promised land. I have struggled alone and realize
the impact of loneliness in my life causes me to open the door to
return to the dead weight, and layers of situations which I've struggled
to shed, yes even returning like the dog to his own vomit. Responding
to my dilemma of loneliness I have sought fellowship with my peers in
various churches, yet not one has provided the intimate faithful
friendship beyond the moments we share in a service together to equip me
with the support I need to overcome loneliness. Still I hold on to my
faith in God that this too shall pass, a change is coming, and I am
ready. Please read the article attached, and know that there are others
who need Christian Brothers and Sisters to fellowship with, to call
upon, to socialize with, to share with, and to lean on. This walk is
very hard, but as Christians we can be the friend that makes a
difference to someone else after shaking their hand in a church service
and saying "God Bless You, see you next time!" This is what I know, this
is what God knows, and now I expect a change because I have asked God
to touch the hearts of my Brothers and Sisters in Christ to become the
supportive friends and family He created us to be instead of just
attending a Church service, departing and forgetting about each other.
To God be the Glory!